

DOUALA IT employs the most experienced and qualified instructors in the industry to provide you with the best possible training.

Classroom Resources

The DOUALA IT classroom experience includes instructor lecture and demonstration, followed by student practice through hands-on-lab exercise as well as Web-based resources used during and after class.

Classroom Learning students have access to their own networked environment, which enables instructors to manage hands-on lab demonstrations and exercises that mirror the professional environment.

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Hands-On Approach

We realize that not all students learn at the same pace. In a classroom of more than Ten students, certain students will get left behind because of the lack of communication between the students and the instructor. That’s why DOUALA IT utilizes a hands-on approach in all of our classes. Our student-instructor relationships ensure that no student’s time is wasted. Each student has ample opportunity within the class to get one-on-one instruction and review for any topics covered in the course.

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Our Classrooms

We have two simple rules.

There is a computer station for each student to use in class and no class will have more than 9 students in it. By following these two rules we can be sure each student has the opportunity to learn in the most efficient, through manner

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Contact us

Email us at to discuss your specific situation or needs, and we will structure a program that will save you money and will maximize ROI.

You will either save money or receive more training for your fixed budget that’s our promise

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